Who We Are

Odd Bird marquee photo - New great look, same poor taste!

We are a diverse mix of talented individuals, including:


Sierra Wallis (Owner)

Sierra managed Sq/Ft for nearly ten years before she took over as owner and changed the name to Odd Bird. She enjoys anything that gets a laugh, anything comfy/cozy, and anything related to semi-popular sitcoms of the 90s.

She can be reached at sierra@oddbirdgifts.com

Sydney Tolbert (General Manager)

Sydney is the HBIC. She's equally skilled at merchandising a display of jewelry and rewiring the lights in the bathroom. She's a true Jane of all Trades!

She can be reached at sydney@oddbirdgifts.com

Cassidy Benard (Operations Manager)

Cassidy keeps the wheels turning around here. She's the lady with all the log-ins, passwords, and connections. Just ask her!

She can be reached at cassidy@oddgifts.com

Dylan (Events Director)

Don't let her sweet exterior fool you! Dylan is a ruthless director who will organize an event to within an inch of its life (in a good way!)

She can be reached at dylan@oddgifts.com